Soil Testing

Soil corrosion refers to complex chemical reactions with certain elements that occur in soils. For instance, variables in soil characteristics and properties can have a huge impact on the corrosion activity that occurs in buried structures. Soil corrosion usually takes place with storage tanks that are stored under the ground, cables, foundations, and distribution and transmission pipelines and waterlines. Any structures that are in contact with earth are considered prone to the damaging effects of soil corrosion. Metals that are in contact with materials such as soil can develop a corrosion potential. Thus, the mechanism of soil corrosion should be known, along with the strategies that should be implemented to avoid or mitigate the corrosion of metal when it comes in contact with soil.

Soil Testing

Common Parameters Methods
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure SW846 1311
Total Organic Halogens (EOX) SW846 9023
Total Organic Carbon SW846 9060A
Metals SW846 6010B
Mercury EPA 7473
pH ASTM D4972

Soil Analysis for Corrosion Potential

Soil Analysis for Corrosion Potential
(10 point system)


Moisture state  
Visual Classification  
Resistivity by calibrated soil box method ASTM G57, G187
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) ASTM G200
pH Measurement ASTM G51